Joint Media Release: Live rock lobster exports to China set to restart
Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese MP
Leader of the Government in the Senate, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Penny Wong
Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State, Senator Don Farrell
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Minister for Small Business, Julie Collins MP
China has today notified Australia that full resumption of live rock lobster trade can recommence.
The Australian Government welcomed this notification which followed agreement between Prime Minister Albanese and Premier Li in October 2024 to resume live rock lobster trade by the end of this year.
This is a major win for our hard-hit live rock lobster industry and follows sustained engagement and advocacy by government and industry. We thank the Australian live rock lobster industry for its patience and resilience as we worked to reinstate market access.
This outcome demonstrates the value of the Government’s patient, calibrated, and deliberate approach towards stabilising Australia’s relations with China.
This announcement opens the door for Australian exporters to supply the world’s best lobsters once again to this important market. The resumption of live rock lobster exports to China is expected to have substantial economic benefits and deliver job security for fishing communities in regional areas.
When the Albanese Government came to office, Australian exporters faced impediments on exporting wine, barley, coal, cotton, timber logs, oaten hay, copper ores and concentrates and red meat into China – around $20 billion worth of Australian products. The removal of restrictions on lobster marks the resolution of all outstanding impediments to trade from that period.
The Australian Government will continue with its calm and consistent approach to the China relationship – where we cooperate where we can, disagree where we must, and engage in the national interest.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:
“This outcome affirms the calm and consistent approach taken by the Albanese Government in the stabilisation of our bilateral relationship.
“As a result of the Albanese Government’s deliberate, patient and calibrated approach, approximately $20 billion worth of trade impediments on Australian exports have been removed.”
Quotes attributable to Foreign Minister Penny Wong:
“Today’s announcement shows the Albanese Labor Government’s approach to this consequential relationship is delivering for Australians and for our national interest.
“We said before the last election that we would work to stabilise the relationship with China, without compromising on what is important to Australians, and that is what we have done.”
Quotes attributable to Trade and Tourism Minister Don Farrell:
“This is a fantastic outcome for the Australian lobster industry and for Chinese consumers who will be able to enjoy delicious Australian live rock lobster in time for Lunar New Year celebrations.
“It is in Australia’s national interest to have a constructive relationship with our largest trading partner and to have Australia’s top exports purchased by China’s consumers.
“The Government will continue to support Australian businesses sell their world-class products on the global stage.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Julie Collins:
“This outcome comes at a critical time for the Australian live rock lobster industry.
“We are continuing to stabilise trade with China to get greater return for our hard-working fishers and other primary producers.”