Issued by Senator the Hon Murray Watt - former Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Advancing Australia's national soils agenda
The Australian Government will develop a new approach to soils advocacy as part of a more ambitious vision to invest in sustainable agriculture and on-farm climate adaptation.
As part of this broader approach, the role of the National Soils Advocate in its current form will not be continued when the current Advocate, the Hon Penelope Wensley AC finishes her term on 28 August 2023.
The government is continuing to invest in soils with $56 million announced in the May Budget to partner with state and territories to implement the National Soil Action Plan and a soil monitoring program to provide much-needed data to support decision making by farmers and land managers to improve soil management.
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt said good soil management plays a big role in maintaining farm productivity which helps us remain strong global competitors in sustainably produced goods.
“We need to maintain our position as a leader and viable competitor, which means now is the perfect time to integrate soils within the broader context of sustainable land management,” Minister Watt said.
“Improved soil management plays a critical role in underpinning the sustainability of our agriculture industry and responding to climate change.
“But we feel more can be done to approach it in a more integrated way.”
Minister Watt paid tribute to the work done by Ms Wensley.
“I would like to express my deep gratitude for the exemplary service, and significant contribution and leadership successive Australian National Soil Advocates have delivered over the past decade,” he said.
“In particular, I extend my personal appreciation to Ms Wensley who has held the position for the last three years.
“She has worked hard to support a highly active soils agenda, including the release by the Australian Government of the 20-year National Soil Strategy and the soon-to-be released National Soil Action Plan 2023-2028.
“I commend Ms Wensley for her strong advocacy and diplomacy, which has elevated the value of soils not only across government, industry and the research community but also internationally.”
The National Soils Action Plan is being finalised with stakeholders and is expected to be released in the coming months.